Leadership Coaching


“I'm getting pressure from the Leadership Team to meet strategic goals that seem impossible. At the same time, my team is falling apart. We pay REALLY well to attract the best talent out there but my team doesn't work well together. I have people who are performing poorly who want a raise. I feel like I'm in a thankless position.”


What I Do:

Management is the hardest job there is. Some of my customers refer to our coaching sessions as "Therapy with Dan." In these sessions, I use my experience and my unbiased, apolitical opinions for an empathetic, no BS approach to management. We work to achieve strategic goals and resolve personnel issues. Together, we develop an understanding of expectations from the top to the bottom of the company.



Vice President

Sales & Marketing

Product Manager

Strategic Alignment


“Last week we were told that the Delta Project was the most important. This week leadship said that we have to get Gamma Project done ASAP! What am I supposed to do?!?”


What I Do:

Corporate ADHD is a thing. Conflicting priorities lead to lost efficiency, chaos, and low morale. I help my customers create a transparent, visual, and customer-focused system for prioritizing your work. We then use that system to communicate priorities throughout the organization. We identify bottlenecks in each department that keep them from completing the critical work.



Vice President

Sales & Marketing

Product Manager

Department Head

Team Member

Technical Interpreter


“I told my development team that we needed to start pushing out features at a higher rate to meet market demands. They told me that in order to do this they need a CI/CD pipeline in AWS that is integrated with GitHub to perform the unit and integration tests. Also, they will have to adjust their “branching strategy” to account for hotfixes. What does this mean?


What I Do:

Ahh, yes. Sometimes the terms and acronyms will make your head spin. I help non-technical leaders by breaking down technical terms, drawing parallels by using analogy. This is also a great opportunity to make sure that the changes you are asking for align with your corporate goals.



Vice President

Sales & Marketing

Product Manager

Product Roadmapping


“We have a lot of great ideas for our product, we just don't know which one to do next. We all have opinions, but this one person is overrunning them.”


What I Do:

Getting everyone on the same page is a challenge. I talk to leadership about their values, short-term and long-term goals. Then I help create a system that focuses on the customer, respects everyone's opinions, is transparent, and empowers the team to execute.



Vice President

Sales & Marketing

Product Manager

Tool Identification & Alignment


“We have this amazing spreadsheet that does so many things but it's becoming unmanageable. We also have four other spreadsheets that I have to keep open all day so that I can update them. At the end of the day, I have to enter the same information into another system. None of our spreadsheets integrate with our operations or development software.”


What I Do:

Spreadsheets are great for reporting and finances but using them to manage your workflow is rife with issues. There are many great applications and platforms waiting for you to find them. Trust me, the problem you have currently has already been solved by someone else with the same problem. Better yet, they’ve created interfaces to optimize your integration. I help my customers identify these great products and lead them toward a single integrated system.



Vice President

Sales & Marketing

Product Manager

Department Head

Team Member

Managing Planned/Unplanned work


“We are working 10 hour days and our next release is behind schedule. We groomed the work, reviewed capacity, and set the schedule, but the bugs and customer requests have thrown us off of our plan.”


What I Do:

Growth, innovation, and improvement don't happen by accident! If your goals are to grow, innovate, and improve, then you have to effectively manage your planned and unplanned work. I work with my customers to identify wasted effort in their companies and mitigate it. This starts with visualization of the work followed by data gathering and analysis. From there we plan growth, innovation, and improvement.



Vice President

Sales & Marketing

Product Manager

Department Head

Team Member

Customer Feedback


“We have been pushing out releases but we're not gaining market traction. Our competitors are so far ahead of us, I don't know how we are going to catch up. How do we know we are working on the right thing?”


What I Do:

Staying focused on the customer requires interaction with them and gathering feedback. I help create the feedback loops between you and your customer so you’ll receive high-quality information on a consistent basis.



Vice President

Sales & Marketing

Product Manager

Department Head

Team Member