Your digital transformation starts with a conversation

Enterprise agile coaching for Digital marketing, software products & operations

Digital Custodians are care-takers for your digital marketing, software products and operational needs. They play the role of janitor, architect, and coach. From the knowledge and experience they’ve gained throughout their careers, they empower you to incorporate the right solutions for your business.

By collaborating with a Digital Custodian, you’ll gain new insights, fresh perspectives, and avoid mistakes that cause many businesses to flounder.



Our Process

Interview - Integrate - Iterate

Every business is different, every team is different, every market is different. Our process is designed with the understanding that there is no “one way” to do business. What works for one company may result in disaster for another. We take the time to interview and integrate before we iterate. We created a continuous improvement framework to help you discover and implement the best approach for your business.



Remember when we used to have business meetings in coffee shops? Good times... In this post-covid world we meet via video chat and talk about your business. The good news is that we can be anywhere in the world to meet!



Sitting on the sidelines is not our style. We are here to move things along and the best way to do that is to be involved in the day-to-day operations of your business. We become a part of the team so that we can be effective in promoting change.


How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time… First of all, that’s a gross metaphor. However, the meaning is what matters here. We break down change into small bite-sized chunks over a period of time. Improvement is scheduled and documented as we work. This allows your teams time to adjust and buy into the process.





We begin reviewing and mapping your current processes. From there we are able to visualize your workflow and measure it. Notice the use of “we.” “We” here means your company and your Digital Custodian. This is a collaborative effort that works best when everyone is on the same page... rowing in the same direction… marching to the beat of the same drum… or whatever metaphor works best for you.


The metrics we follow will tell us a story that may lead to collecting more metrics or changing processes. We’ll create action plans to address the issues we find and begin the Kaizen or continuous improvement process. In structured weekly meetings we’ll discuss the metrics, the issues, the pandemic, the weather, hobbies etc... mostly the work stuff.



We’ll know when we’ve made some improvements because we have documented and measured them each week. What’s next? I’ll tell you what: we put systems in place to monitor the work. We create dashboards. We find opportunities to be proactive and prevent potential problems. As a result, your strategic leaders can focus on the future, not the day-to-day. Also, we celebrate the fact that your company is in a much better place than when we started!

Let’s Talk.

Are you ready to transition beyond startup mode? I’m here to help.